Frequently Asked Questions for SIP Interns (and Parents)

What kind of behavior is expected of interns during the program?

We expect interns to behave in a professional manner while participating in the program. Some specifics are highlighted below:

  • Interns are expected to communicate with their mentor. If the intern is not going to be able to make a meeting or has a delay or doesn’t understand something, they are expected to communicate this to the mentor.
  • Interns are expected to check their email daily. It is the primary means of communication that the SIP staff and mentors will use to communicate with the interns.
  • Interns will be working in a professional environment with many different people. Interns should make sure to follow procedures about locking up and safety, moderating their voices inside, and keeping their space clean and trash-free.

Is transportation to/from UCSC available to interns who live in the Bay Area?

Yes. SIP offers two shuttle services, one each from points north and south of Santa Cruz. The north shuttle will be operated by Lux Bus America and the south shuttle will be operated by UCSC Transporation. Both shuttles will be UCSC-sponsored to comply with university insurance and safety requirements. Here are the salient details:

  • The exact schedule and stops are posted on SIP’s Transportation page. The north shuttle will stop at the Mountain View Caltrain station and Saratoga High School each weekday morning and afternoon. The south shuttle will stop at Alisal High School in Salinas and Watsonville High School in Watsonville but only on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. Both north and south shuttles will drop off/pick up interns at Science Hill on the UCSC main campus and will also stop at UCSC labs at 2300 Delaware Avenue and Coastal Sciences Campus in Santa Cruz.
  • Families will have the option of signing up for the shuttle on a week-by-week basis for any or all of the seven (7) weeks of the SIP program.
  • The north shuttle will operate every weekday throughout the SIP program. An additional shuttle option – Monday AM and Friday PM only – will be offered for the north and south shuttles for the benefit of the students who will be campus dorm housing during the week.
  • The weekly fee for the daily weekday shuttle service option will be $200 and the weekly fee for the Monday AM and Friday PM shuttle service option for interns in housing will be $65.
  • Shuttle payments and sign ups may be made through the SIP registration page in the same way that families pay for the academic program fee and campus housing.

The SIP program’s intention is to provide a transportation service that is efficient, convenient, and secure and to cover the costs without making a profit. Other options for families to consider are private carpools, public transportation, or older interns driving themselves to campus.

Where on the UCSC campus will the 2025 SIP interns be housed?

Interactive UCSC Campus Map

Full Campus Conference Parking Map

Can interns use the UCSC gym when they are in campus housing?

Generally, no. Only students who are over 18 are allowed to use the Wellness Center. The SIP residential assistants (RAs) will organize activities for interns in the evenings, so they should be able to get some exercise at that time (hikes, games on the fields, etc.).

Is it possible for SIP interns who are staying in campus housing to drive to/from campus each week?

No. Students should not bring their vehicles when staying in the dorms.

Is it possible for SIP interns who are not staying in campus housing to drive to/from campus each day?

Interns may purchase parking permits at UCSC’s TAPS Sales Office. SIP will send a list of intern names to the TAPS office so interns should let the TAPS office staff know they are with this program. The TAPS office staff will give interns information about new parking permit prices and a map of where to park. Students must drive a car that belongs to them or their family, and they must bring a copy of the car registration and a photo ID with them. Cost of permit still TBD.

Where is the main UCSC Conference Services Office?

SIP will be using the Central Conference Office.

What do SIP interns who opt for campus housing have to bring with them?

Towels and sheets (the beds are extra long twins), plus personal items.

Can SIP interns leave items in the room over the weekend?

Yes, but we recommend that SIP interns take home any valuables just in case.

For SIP interns who will be arriving on Monday morning on the shuttle, what should they do?

They should go to the West Conference Office and check in there. They will receive Their keys and directions to the dorm.

Where can one find out more about campus housing?

More information can be found on the Campus Housing page.

Last modified: Nov 22, 2024