SIP’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Science Internship Program at UC Santa Cruz offers a transformative educational experience that significantly enhances students’ academic trajectory. As the United States struggles with systemic racial inequalities while simultaneously battling the global pandemic, we recognize that education plays a vitally important role in the fight against systemic racism. For this reason, SIP has historically worked hard to provide opportunities for all students to participate in the program and we make an intentional effort to recruit students from historically excluded groups or communities (e.g., students of color, first generation college aspirants, and students from low-income families). The SIP team remains steadfast in our commitment to battle racial inequalities in academia. We will continue to increase the diversity of students in our program. Recording of recent talk describing all Programs and Initiatives given by Prof. Raja GuhaThakurta.
SIP has launched a new initiative, Creating Equity in STEM (CREST) as the focus point of these efforts.
CrEST Programs and Initiatives:
Shadow the Scientists (StS)
Python and Research (PyaR)
R and Research in Computational Biology (ReComBio)
Science Internship Program (SIP)
SIP related initiatives: Alumni Buddies, CSIP, P²C²N, Trajectories, TSIP
Global SPHERE Network
We are Stardust (WAS)

SIP is Open to All High School Students

Geographic Distribution
Did you know that SIP caters to students all over the world?
With SIP 2021 being all remote, we have been able to include SIP participants from over 22 different countries and over 16 different U.S. States

Gender Identity
Did you know that girls outnumber boys by a ratio of 3:2 in SIP?
Roughly 60% of the high-school students who have participated in the program are female. This is especially noteworthy considering that most SIP projects are computational in nature and/or in the physical sciences, areas of STEM in which women continue to be severely underrepresented.
Did you know that students from 268 different high schools have participated in SIP?
SIP may have started with three students from a private school in San Jose (Harker) in 2009, but in the decade since its inception, the program has included students from 158 different California high schools, 54 high schools in other US states, and 56 international schools. See the full list of high schools below.