Donate to SIP/CrEST
Your gift helps:
- Recruit exceptional high school students from under-resourced communities to participate in SIP
- Provide need-based scholarships to help defray the cost of tuition, housing, and transportation to students (about $6,000 per student)
- Develop and implement training for graduate student mentors so they can be even more effective with SIP student interns
- Underwrite additional enrichment opportunities, including workshops, academic, and college counseling
- Expand SIP/CrEST’s global presence to other universities through partnerships and program replication
“I enjoyed every single second of my time at UCSC. The SIP experience really deepened my understanding of how much I have a passion for the STEM fields. It gave me the opportunity to see what I would really be doing if I pursue this career path, interacting with others to solve real-world problems. The work I did may have been challenging, and I may have had to ask my mentor a million times how to do something, and I may have messed up a few things in the process. But at the end of the day, the experience I gained from the process is what makes me a deeper thinker, a more inquisitive asker, and overall, a more curious scientist now.” —2019 SIP intern
All contributions are tax-deductible. Your contribution will be acknowledged in the SIP newsletter and on our website. Please indicate if you would like your gift to remain anonymous.
Donate by Check
Please make checks payable to “UC Santa Cruz Foundation” with “CrEST Fund (NA058FFE)” in the memo field and mail to:
University of California Santa Cruz
University Relations, Gift Processing
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
We recommend that you e-mail Lindsay Lauver to ensure the check routes correctly.
Give Online
Please make your secure online contribution by clicking the Online SIP Donation Form link below. Choose to select a gift designation and state CrEST Fund (NA058FFE) in the notes field. We recommend that you e-mail Lindsay Lauver to ensure the gift routes correctly. Thank you!
Online CrEST Donation Form
Increase the size of your gift by asking your employer to match your donation. CrEST can be added to your employer’s matching database by adding the UC Santa Cruz Foundation EIN (EIN: 23-7394590), and the correct fund designation number: NA058FFE
Please contact Lindsay Lauver by email
SIP Donor Honor Roll 2009–2019
The Science Internship Program is grateful to all our donors who have made gifts in support of the program. Listed below are SIP donors recognized for their cumulative giving to the program since its inception in 2009. SIP alumni are identified with an asterisk (*) following their name.

Founders Level
Anonymous (2)
Raminder and Anupa Bajwa
Rajiv and Ritu Batra
Susan A. Dunn
Google Inc.
Vineet Gupta and Mudita Jain
Hopper-Dean Foundation
George and Vida John
Mayfield Foundation
Minds Matter of San Francisco
Gordon and Tanya Ringold
Sandra Schlachter
Viram Foundation
Hong Wei and Huican Zhu
Stargazers Club
Anonymous (3)
Steven and Karen Allen
Nina and R.K. Anand
Melanie Aron and Michael Dine
Beatrice Michele Atkinson-Myer
Kayla Marie Bartel
Archana Belle
Chitra Bhade
Rinku Bhattacharya
Sharmila Bhattacharya and Puragra GuhaThakurta
Constance Boukidis and Bill Papoutsis
Bright Funds Foundation
James Brug
Cardinal Duval Family Fund
Raven Carnes
John and Jennifer Carothers
Jeff Chen and Vivian Zhu
Sharon Chinn
Zareen Choudhury*
Darya Chudova
Douglas and Vivian Crisman
Bill and Laurie Davis
Victoria Dean*
Caroline Debs*
Kelly Delepine
Romita Dey
Andrew Fisher and Carrie Pomeroy
Ramaratnam Ganesh and Kalpana Hariharan
Angelica Gomez-Patino
Ronlyn Goo
Dinesh Goyal
Chengyu Guo
Anil and Ena Gupta
Stephanie and John Harkness
Robert and Christine Holo
Wayne and Rosa Hong
Ming Huang
Roland Jung
Supriya Kalyanasundaram
Susanne Khosla
Robert and Michele Kibrick
Neena Kochhar
James Kotcher and Lani Takano
John Kremzar
Preetha Krishnan Menon
Meera Krishnaswami
Kenneth Lai
Anand Singh Lallria
Raymond Lee
Hong Li and Susan Tu
Lisa Liu
Phyllis M. Lugger
Linda McColm
Kristin Marie McCully
Chihchun Ma
Hong Ma
Philip Macias
Srinivasa and Padmaja Malladi
Shannon Marshall
Brian and Shaila Menezes
Tanay Menezes*
Zhouhui Miao
Susann Mirabella
Richard and Susan Mitnick
Rahat Modi
David Mori and Samantha Sweeney
Irene Nakaoka
Narendra and Padma Nayak
Byong Pak
Basab Pradhan
Mike Riepe
Maithili Rao
Anju Reejhsinghani
Zafar Rustamkulov
Charles Ryan-Purcell
Sofie Salama and David Feldheim
Rebecca and Ferdinand Sales
Sekhar Sarukkai
Mona Shah
Sunil Simha
Ting Su
Rajaram Subramonian
Robert Joseph Suk
Sumana and Balmiki Sur
Sanandan Swaminathan
Hao Tang
Richard Tang
Renu Tewari
Pawan Tewari
Bing Tian
Andrew Thurber and Kathryn Perkins
Brooke Towne
Marlene Tromp
Chung-Lei Tuan
Nagesh Vodrahalli
Orchid Wang
Wuchun Wu
Huijie Xu
Joanne and Mark Yamaguma
Yung Zheng
Xu Zhao
Hui Zho
Patron Level
Anonymous (1)
Sourajit and Jyoti Guha
Ganga and Viji Ilango
Tonia Lessani and Ben Lutch
Sally Li and John Yang
Sam Liang
Vikram Sahai and Rashmi Sinha
Tom and Inken Sparkman
Priya and Duke Tallam
Sajiv and Simy Taneja
Sunil Vallamkonda
Yingli Wang and Ying Zhang
Zhu Family Foundation
SIP Has Received Gifts In Honor Of
Claire E. Dorman
Dr. Raja GuhaThakurta
Tara Thakurta
Kevin Zhu
Friends Level
Anonymous (1)
Marilee and Mark Adams
James Bartel
Rasheda Begum and Mustafiz Choudhury
Anita Chan
Man Ki Chan and Sai Ho Yeung
Neil Chandran
May Sheng-Chen and Wenjie Chen
Jiuyi Cheng and Ningyue Zhao
Lucy Cheng
Alex Cho and Susan Park
Frank and Amy Chu
Debendra Das Sharma
Anthony Debs and Lillian Soohoo
Youping Deng and Judy Lu
Pavni Diwanji
Ellen Flamen
Lei Fu
Gary and Stephanie Hsu Family Foundation
Jie and Jin Huang
Wally and Linda Jansen
Anil Kamath and Rekha Pai
Nagesh Koragappa and Shamitha Somashekar
Soma Krishnamoorthi
Sonu Lall
Peng Li
Susan Liu and Peter Zhu
Manjula Mahajan
Daphne Martellini
Suzanne Matsui and Daniel Rugar
Arka and Mita Mukherjee
Divya Narain
Sarangarajan Parthasarathy and Mala Raghavan
Akshai Patel
Runping Qi
Sriram Ramachandran
Gurumurthy Ramkumar
Uma Ratnam-Sankar
Deep Singh
Rajesh Singh
Sherman Tuan and Maggie Zheng
Kathryn and Eric Verwillow
David Waite
Fred and Tracy Wang
Hong Xiao and Hong Zheng
Fei Xu and Yi Zhang
Lakshman and Anu Yagati
John Yau
Hui Zhou
Ying Zhou
SIP is grateful to the following corporations for their generosity in matching their employees’ donations:
Abbott Laboratories
Cisco Systems Foundation
The donor list is complete through October 2019 and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Please inform us about any omissions or errors in this list. Thank you for generously supporting the Science Internship Program!