Alumni Buddy Program
If you have any questions about being an Alumni Buddy, please email
SIP Alumni Buddy Role:
The role of the buddy is to serve as an additional source of information and support for the summer 2025 interns.
Interns will be placed into groups of 4-5, with two SIP alumni. The groups will be assigned from across subject areas to encourage collaboration and give interns the opportunity to meet more students. All interns will be assigned a buddy group, but participation is optional. Interns will be asked to let their buddies know whether or not they will participate.
Buddies will reach out to the incoming interns as ambassadors in late May. This first contact would be sent via email. SIP will provide general program information for the Buddies to use, but we invite the Buddies to tailor their own email and make it unique to themselves. After this initial contact, we ask that the Alumni Buddies schedule monthly contacts with their intern buddy group, ideally via Zoom or some other video conferencing, for a brief check-in and to answer any questions their intern buddies may have. A list of common concerns/questions, research, and educational topics will be provided to help facilitate these conversations. Sample talking points/topics for buddy meetings:
- Adjusting to new settings
- How to meet people
- How to talk with your mentor/professor
- How to work in groups
- How to handle conflict
- What to do if you’re feeling overwhelmed
- Presentation Day & practice
- Wrap up project
- College and Career questions
- Information about internships
- Information about research contests
Social Events:
A series of social events is being organized by the SIP Alumni Buddies and program staff. A calendar of events will be posted to the SIP Events Calendar on the SIP website. Alumni Buddies should encourage their interns to participate in these events. It would be ideal if the buddies could attend the events as well (depending on their availability). Sample social events include: SIP Quiz/Trivia Night; Movie Night; Paint Night; and Talent Show.
- March 2025 – SIP Alumni Buddies Recruited/Applications submitted
- April 2025 – Alumni Buddy Applications Review
- April 2025 – Welcome Email & Job Description sent to Alumni Buddies
- May 2025 – Alumni Buddy placements finalized
- May 2025 – SIP Alumni Buddies Information and Q&A Session. Via Zoom (this session will be recorded if you’re unable to attend in person)
- Week of May 16 – SIP will email 2025 interns notifying them of the buddy system and what to expect. All interns will be assigned a buddy, but participation is optional. The email will let the interns know that they will receive contact from their buddies in the next two weeks. This will include information for the interns that participation in the alumni buddy program is optional, and a reminder that what they put into it is what they will get out of it.
- May to June – SIP Alumni Buddies contact interns
- June Video Conference (scheduled by buddies)
- July Video Conference (scheduled by buddies)
- August Video Conference (scheduled by buddies)
Additional contact with interns is encouraged but not required. Buddies are asked to be available by email during the summer should their interns have questions they would like answered or just need some extra support. We encourage you to be available to answer your intern buddies’ questions as they arise, and the extent that your availability allows. When unable to reply to an intern inquiry, we request that you utilize your co-buddy and the SIP staff in an effort to address all intern needs.
Online Safety Protocol
Video meetings with buddies and interns should be in groups of 3 more. One-on-one meetings between buddies and interns are not allowed. Zoom and Google Meet are approved meeting platforms, and all meeting links should be shared with SIP staff, so we may “drop in” as part of our SIP open-door policy, which will be discussed more at the 2025 Alumni Buddy Welcome Session. Please copy SIP on all email communications to your intern buddies. As much as possible, avoid non-group social media and electronic communications during the program. Conversations should be related to SIP, research, and educational topics. If you have any questions or concerns about online safety protocol, reach out to SIP staff.