Day: July 21, 2013

Studying a Rare Dwarf Galaxy Cannibalism Event

Background: Galaxy cannibalism/merging appears to be an important process through which galaxies grow in mass/size and evolve. There are many examples of ongoing collisions between two large galaxies and many involving the tidal disruption of a small (“dwarf”) galaxy by a large one. We have identified a rare case of a dwarf galaxy cannibalizing an…Continue Reading Studying a Rare Dwarf Galaxy Cannibalism Event

Tracking Marine Mammals and Seabirds

Processing light level geolocation tracking data for tagged elephant seals.
Flipper tag resighting and census work at ano nuevo state park.
Exploring potential causes of at-sea mortality of elephant seals. Mentor: Patrick Robinson, Staff Secondary Mentors: Ms. Jen Maresh, Ms. Chandra Goetsch, Prof. Daniel Costa Location: Long Marine Lab…Continue Reading Tracking Marine Mammals and Seabirds

Flk2 Lineage Tracing Reveals a Novel, Developmentally-Restricted Hematopoietic Stem Cell

Using a recently characterized in vivo lineage tracing model, I have identified a novel fetal hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) that, although capable of supporting reconstitution of the blood system in an irradiated adult recipient, does not reside in the adult bone marrow in situ. This novel fetal HSC exhibits a differential lineage bias and gives…Continue Reading Flk2 Lineage Tracing Reveals a Novel, Developmentally-Restricted Hematopoietic Stem Cell